Low Ponytail Hat


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Colour Palette

Measurement 2

Measurement 1


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If you're anything like my daughter and I, you pull your ponytail through the back of a cap in the summer.  Then struggle in winter to get a hat big enough to be comfortable!!    

These hats are perfect as they have a hole just above the ribbing, which has a hairtie enclosed, keeping your hair free and your ears warm.  Available in any colour, this one shown fits both my daughters and my head, making it great value for money!  This one is in a beautiful shell stitch featuring a pompom at the top.

Please enter the  fibre, colour and  the measurementsbelow for a snug fit.   

  • Measurement 1: Hat circumference (measurement around brim)
  • Measurement 2: Hat height (from top of head to just above eyebrows)

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